Monday, October 17, 2011

Capturing the light

We've had some awesome light here in the Bay Area for the last week or so.  We're in between the fog season and the rainy season here, so most days are clear from end to end.  Which makes for some really pretty light at the beginning and the end of the days.  Late last week, we had a full, harvest moon which has been rising around 6:30-6:45pm.  I left work late last Wednesday, and wouldn't you know, as soon as I hit the lower deck of the Bay Bridge, what do I see but this fantastic, orange moon rising above the East Bay hills, and it was right at eye level.  So naturally I think to myself, I've GOT to get a shot of this somehow.  "Somehow" turned into getting off the bridge at Treasure Island and driving over to the old navy base.  There's a parking area there which gets a whole lot of use by people who want to take photos of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.  So they're all facing west, and I turn around and face east and this is what I see:

I didn't want to take the time to get the tripod out of the trunk and set it up, so this is taken freehand, leaning on the top of the car door.  It was frickin' AWESOME! And so worth being home late for dinner.

Two nights later, on Friday, I left work a little earlier than I did on Wednesday and again, it was one of those really clear evenings and I could see that a sunset was in the making.  Now because of the fog, we don't get sunsets all that often, so you kind of have to take advantage of them when they show up.  Again I found myself on Treasure Island, but this time I was facing west with everyone else.

I love it here and I highly recommend it to everyone!

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