Friday, June 24, 2011

Take a hike

We went up to Tilden Park the other day to find some fire roads that might make decent walking trails.  Did we pay attention to the fact that trails in Tilden, being located in the East Bay Hills, would very likely have some ups and downs to them?  Of course not!  What's a little hill between friends?  Quite a lot apparently, seeing as I think we got about a half-mile up a very gentle slope before giving up and turning around.  Of course, we blamed it all on the gnats and the ticks, which made it "unbearable" to be out there any longer.  Oh, we are such out-of-shape wimps!!!  I did get a couple of decent photos, though.


  1. I love the city shot, great view! Your dog looks like such a sweetie :)

  2. Can Pandora be any cuter?!

    I love the shot of the path with the starburst! Beautiful!

  3. I love the city shot. I also really like the last shot and how the sun is hitting the flower. Very pretty.

  4. Gorgeous view and beautiful lighting! That last one is so interesting, fabulous photos!

  5. That place looks amazing! What a view, and great shots!

  6. Love the dandelion too...but all look awesome.
